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Black leather Reutter key case for Porsche 356

€116.00incl. VAT

Red leather Reutter key case for Porsche 356.

Colour: Red
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Black leather Reutter key case for Porsche 356

€116.00incl. VAT
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Red leather Porsche/Reutter key case; suitable for all Porsche 356 from model years 1948 to 1965.

At that time, the key case was in the same colour as the interior and was attached to the vehicle key when the vehicle was handed over. The case is made entirely by hand in Germany in over 20 work steps based on original templates, with extensive research in the historical archives of Reutter and Porsche.

Inside the case, a gold-plated ring chain leads through an opening at the top and bottom of the case. A gold-plated spring ring for attaching the key is attached to the chain with a soldered metal loop on the other side. The inside is in smooth leather. The Porsche crest is centred on the front and the Reutter crest is centred on the back.

Item no.: PCG0442000080S

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Black leather Reutter key case for Porsche 356
Black leather Reutter key case for Porsche 356
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