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Snow chains - Macan Electric

€557.00incl. VAT

2 chains with fine-link chain strands. For 285/45 R20 and 285/40 R21 tyres.

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Pieces: two-piece
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Snow chains - Macan Electric

€557.00incl. VAT
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Experience a safe and confident drive with your Macan Electric in winter thanks to these 2 high-quality snow chains. They have been specially developed for 285/45 R20 and 285/40 R21 tyres and offer optimum grip on ice and snow thanks to their fine-link chain. The snow chains are quick and easy to fit and ensure even power transmission to the road to guarantee maximum traction and control at all times. This allows you to master journeys in demanding weather conditions with your Macan Electric.

The snow chains may only be fitted to the rear axle and only in conjunction with winter tyres. Use with all-season tyres is not permitted.

Item no.: 95C044690

General characteristics
20 inch rim & 21 inch rim
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Snow chains - Macan Electric
Snow chains - Macan Electric
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