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Roads to Taycan

£50.00incl. VAT

Photo volume about the various stages of testing the new taycan - german.

Language: germangermanenglish
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Roads to Taycan

£50.00incl. VAT
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Delivery period 4-6 working days. Goods are shipped from Germany to UK.
The Taycan is Porsche's first purely electrically powered sports car. It marks the beginning of a new era. On its way to series production, the new model was tested under extreme conditions. The illustrated book Roads to Taycan, which is published exclusively in the Christopherus Edition, impressively documents various stages of the testing, including South Africa, Sweden and Shanghai. The photographs were taken by Christoph Bauer, who has been photographing for Porsche since 1985-and most of them can be seen here exclusively for the first time.

Item no.: MAP09093719

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