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Porsche Classic 911 F tool bag

€466.00incl. VAT

Porsche Classic 911 F tool bag.

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Porsche Classic 911 F tool bag

€466.00incl. VAT
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Porsche Classic tool bag; suitable for all Porsche 911 F from model years 1965 to 1973. Contents: 5x double open-ended spanners (one each 8x9, 10x11, 12x13, 14x15 and 17x19), 1x wheel nut spanner 19, 1x holding tool for V-belt pulley, 1x combination pliers, 1x combination spanner 19/22, 1x Phillips screwdriver B2, 1x screwdriver, 1x spark plug spanner, 1x spark plug ratchet spanner, 1x Allen key, 1x brush 1x feeler gauge, 1x V-belt 9.5x710, 1x cleaning cloth. In addition, the real leather case combines a high-quality pepita houndstooth look with a highly functional design, with a particular slot for each tool. Based on the genuine parts, the tools have been produced, improved and are now embellished with Porsche lettering. Tested by our Classic experts, the new 911 tool bag meets the highest standards of functionality and quality.

Item no.: PCG90172110

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man is standing in front a table with different tool bags on it and a yellow historic 911 in the background
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Porsche Classic 911 F tool bag
Porsche Classic 911 F tool bag
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