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Porsche Classic 911 G (1974 to 1982) tool bag

€431.00incl. VAT

Porsche Classic 911 G (1974 to 1982) tool bag.

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Porsche Classic 911 G (1974 to 1982) tool bag

€431.00incl. VAT
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Porsche Classic tool bag; suitable for all Porsche 911 G from model years 1974 to 1982. Contents: 5x double open-ended spanners (one each: 8x9, 10x11, 12x13, 14x15 and 17x19), 1x wheel nut spanner, 1x special spanner size 22, 1x holding tool for V-belt pulley, 1x combination pliers, 1x V-belt, 1x towing lug, 1x flat-head screwdriver, 2x Phillips screwdrivers, 1x spark plug spanner, 1x spark plug ratchet spanner, 1x test lamp, 5x fuses, 1x cleaning cloth. Porsche Classic has redesigned this tool bag, producing a new edition with a spectacular look in the style of the late 1970s. Whereas the original featured only imitation leather, the new tool bag is made of real black leather and red tartan fabric. The design of the fabric is based on a typical seat cover from this era. Following on from the development of tool bags for the Porsche 356 and Porsche 911 F models, the range now includes a tool bag for the subsequent 911 models. These vehicles boast special features such as the towing lug, which comes complete with its own brief instructions and is designed as a bayonet hook allowing it to attach to the original trailer, which was fitted with a simplex hook. All tools have specified slots in this new bag as well. The screwdriver handles are made of yellow plastic just as before, but now also feature Porsche lettering. To make handling easier, Porsche Classic has replaced the original spark plug tool with a ratchet that features a special spark plug socket spanner and is much more practical to operate.

Item no.: PCG91172110

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man is standing in front a table with different tool bags on it and a yellow historic 911 in the background
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Porsche Classic 911 G (1974 to 1982) tool bag
Porsche Classic 911 G (1974 to 1982) tool bag
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