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Porsche Classic 928 tool bag

€431.00incl. VAT

Porsche Classic 928 tool bag.

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Porsche Classic 928 tool bag

€431.00incl. VAT
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Porsche Classic tool bag for Porsche 928 from model years 1978 to 1995.
The Porsche Classic tool bag for the 928 comes in the typical psychedelic Pascha pattern of the 1970s and early 1980s. The bag features a reproduction of the crest on the intake manifold of the early Porsche 928 models. In addition, the design of the bag fasteners is based on the characteristic seat adjustment buttons from the early Porsche 928 models.

The contents have been reconstructed based on the original tool bag and reissued with the help of the technical drawings of the tools from the original supplier from that time. As a final flourish, the Porsche Classic experts have given the bag some technical and visual upgrades and also added some extra useful tools. Because the tools are exact reproductions of the original tools in terms of their size and shape, they can be stored in the original tool board in the luggage compartment of the Porsche 928, or, for a truly authentic style, they can be carried in the tool bag.
Contents: double open-ended spanners (8x9, 10x11, 12x13, 14x15, 17x19), wheel nut spanner, spark plug socket spanner, 3/8-inch ratchet spanner, towing lug, combination pliers, screwdriver with interchangeable flat-head/Phillips-head, crank for emergency operation, attachment for crank (emergency operation of sliding roof and window regulator), Hexagon socket for seat override, hub cap puller, brass test lamp, five safety fuses and a Porsche cleaning cloth.

Item no.: PCG92872110

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man is standing in front a table with different tool bags on it and a yellow historic 911 in the background
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