Product information

Who can I contact if I have any questions about products?

All product details can be located on the relevant product detail page which contains relevant information in our online shop.

If you would like more information about a product, please contact Porsche Shop Support.

Who can I contact if I have any questions about the availability of products?

You can find all product details on the relevant product detail page in our online shop, which contains comprehensive information. We make every effort to make sure that products are always available in our online shop. If a product is temporarily unavailable, it will be marked as 'Out of Stock' on the product detail page. If you would like more information about product details and/or availability, please contact Porsche Shop Support.

How are prices determined in the online shop?

All prices are shown in USD and do not include sales tax. Sales will be added at check out.

Where can I find information about vehicle compatibility?

In the “Vehicle Accessories” section, you can use our filter function to display only products that fit your vehicle. For some products, you can also select your model and version before adding them to the shopping cart. This is how we ensure that you get exactly the right article for your vehicle.

When will my product be available again?

We do everything we can to make products available again quickly, but it possible that a desired product is no longer available or will not be restocked.